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  • Comments on Profile Post by Griff

    1. fireplaces
      Griff we are friends I just report people to do reports, im trying to get moderator sorry...
      Dec 5, 2016
    2. fireplaces
      i let it get to the best of me
      Dec 5, 2016
    3. Griff
      No, you did it for your self intentions and I thought I could trust you and that you would have my back, but what you did proved who and what you really are. Consider our friendship over. Fyi I've had many opportunities where I could've gotten you banned
      Dec 5, 2016
    4. fireplaces
      Griff... D: I didn't do it for self intentions I swear we are friends..
      Dec 5, 2016
    5. fireplaces
      Im trying to be mod and I need more reports to be done.
      Dec 5, 2016
    6. Baby
      @Ables you shouldn't be doing reports just to get mod. You should be doing them because you will like to punish them for their consequence.
      Dec 6, 2016
      Griff likes this.
    7. bare
      lmao as if ur gonna get mod
      Dec 6, 2016
    8. Griff
      @menpale that random dude got promoted, pretty sure a rock could
      Dec 6, 2016
      bare likes this.