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  • Comments on Profile Post by Exstatisfy

    1. Via
      *claps claps*
      Dec 2, 2016
    2. Legalized
      Congratz meanie head
      Dec 2, 2016
    3. Bananurz
      I don't get why 10 months is a milestone? Save this for 12 months pls.
      Dec 3, 2016
    4. Exstatisfy
      Didn't know it was a rule here. Sorry Love. Won't do it again, because you know best of course!
      Dec 3, 2016
    5. Bananurz
      Nope, it's just not needed to pick a random month period and celebrate it. Wedding anniversaries are annually, not by 10 months, for example. No need to be passive aggressive, just ignore it if you so please.
      Dec 3, 2016
    6. Exstatisfy
      Listen, I'll celebrate what I wanna celebate

      Thanks xoxoxo

      p.s. Please don't tell me to ignore something if you can't even hold yourself back from making a mean comment on my status
      Dec 3, 2016
    7. Bananurz
      This new 'love' thing is entertaining.
      Dec 3, 2016
    8. Exstatisfy
      It's not new but okie
      Dec 3, 2016