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  • Comments on Profile Post by SavageTM

    1. jadey64
      Can't get on skype right now, if you want you can start a conversation with me here.
      Aug 3, 2014
    2. SavageTM
      Alright, Thank you :P
      Aug 3, 2014
    3. SavageTM
      I cannot start a convo with you so I will jsut ask you here.

      Is the Keybinds allowed like how I did in the vid? It spams commands when I press R. Its not a client but im asking you if its allowed tho XD
      Aug 3, 2014
    4. jadey64
      Not to sure on that one, you might have to ask a more experienced moderator.
      Aug 3, 2014
    5. SavageTM
      I asked pile, She said its legal
      Aug 3, 2014
    6. TheCakeIsAlive
      Bull, its not possible! its auto dissconnect you wouldnt be worried about it if it wasnt
      Aug 3, 2014