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  • Comments on Profile Post by UncleUrnesto

    1. Andrewswj
      Thanks for the dislike. It was reviewed again because a report came in about it, and I'd tag a few Moderators too @Veracity @Random . Essentially when you make a death wish it's saying that you want the person to die, in this case that person is just saying after death, (his belief) the player would go to "hell".
      Nov 22, 2016
    2. Random
      I talked to him in-game about it.
      Nov 22, 2016
    3. Andrewswj
      Ok thanks Random! :)
      Nov 22, 2016
    4. Random
      But I'll answer any other questions :P
      Nov 22, 2016
    5. gabby
      I'd say not a death threat, though some could consider it one
      Nov 22, 2016