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  • Comments on Profile Post by bighacker

    1. Linux
      Nov 18, 2016
    2. Dyna_Mighty
      Only reply to donators? You do realize that we can't even see who donates and who doesn't?
      Nov 18, 2016
    3. bighacker
      We have a mod kissing a mod's [insert explicit word for "butt"] that's even better than skyblock
      Nov 18, 2016
    4. Cade
      What is your logic? It doesn't say whether or not someone is a donator on forums. How is Dyna kissing a mod's [insert explicit word for "butt"]?
      Nov 20, 2016
    5. bighacker
      I'll just leave I don't want to argue I love your pfp
      Nov 20, 2016