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  • Comments on Profile Post by StrKillr

    1. Robisgreat10
      ask your parent to buy security camera.
      Nov 16, 2016
    2. Mr. Friendly
      Mr. Friendly
      Like for StrKillr's Hope :D
      Nov 16, 2016
    3. Random
      :/ Well that is rude
      Nov 16, 2016
    4. Mr. Friendly
      Mr. Friendly
      How tho
      Nov 16, 2016
    5. Random
      Someone breaking into his house...that's rude...
      Nov 16, 2016
    6. Mr. Friendly
      Mr. Friendly
      Oh well ofc, I thought you were talking abut my comment
      Nov 16, 2016
    7. Legalized
      I suggest buying an ar-15 boom problem solved kappa
      Nov 17, 2016
    8. ferras
      If someone ever breaks in my house, I'll pull a machete my parents have that's sharp. :P
      Nov 18, 2016
    9. Espin
      dude, that's a huge problem in my country too, i feel you. ._.
      Nov 20, 2016
      ferras likes this.
    10. IExo_
      *Cough cough* shoulda had better locks and a gun *cough cough*
      Nov 20, 2016
    11. Linux
      I have Sweatshirt by Jacob hooked up to a loud speaker, fireworks, and sirens ready if someone tries to break into my house. :3
      Nov 20, 2016