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  • Comments on Profile Post by sircorgi

    1. Random
      Lol. Just things I get told daily.
      Nov 16, 2016
    2. sircorgi
      That only happened to me twice whilst my time as a mod, I replied both of them with something like

      "oh no Planet Minecraft is going to ban me!!"
      Nov 17, 2016
    3. Random
      Well that's the first time I got that. I told the kid to ban me and he didn't :( I get hey I'm from planet minecraft op me so I can look around. It's funny bc I'm like dude I'm not even op ;-;
      Nov 17, 2016
    4. sircorgi
      omg the owners of dying servers never learn from the planet minecraft /op trick
      Nov 17, 2016