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  • Comments on Profile Post by ParanormalPizza

    1. dera
      do u want a sticker for being the 500th salty ex-mod?
      Nov 10, 2016
    2. ParanormalPizza
      yes pls @Jessy
      fyi, I only became salty recently. From april-octoberish I'm pretty sure I've been fine. I'm not salty because I'm an ex mod, I'm salty because it's just who I am. The two have no relation at this point. If you were to wait 1 year before being salty after resigning, would you still call them a salty ex mod, or would you just call them salty?
      Nov 11, 2016
    3. ParanormalPizza
      If I was salty straight after I resigned, then you would be fine calling me a salty ex mod.
      Nov 11, 2016
    4. dera
      whether or not, ur still an ex-mod, and salty. Put the two together and boom! Salty ex-mod.
      Nov 11, 2016
    5. ParanormalPizza
      I don't see why you needed to classify me as a "salty ex-mod" since being an ex mod has nothing to do with my behaviour.
      Nov 11, 2016
    6. ParanormalPizza
      Now please look back through this conversation. Am I really the salty one in this situation? You're being quite rude and toxic.
      Nov 11, 2016
    7. Valor
      i would like a sticker
      Nov 16, 2016
    8. ParanormalPizza
      what sticker would you like
      Nov 16, 2016
    9. Valor
      the gold star
      Nov 16, 2016
    10. ParanormalPizza
      ⭐️ here you go (thats a star emoji if you can't see it)
      Nov 17, 2016
      Valor likes this.
    11. sircorgi
      that's 1 shade too yellow, not gold enough Para.

      smh, you know better than to give fake stickers to well-deserving people
      Nov 17, 2016