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  • Comments on Profile Post by xZilley

    1. Jhow
      I can only go for my licence when I'm 16 so next year. I don't think I will get much for my birthday :/
      Nov 10, 2016
    2. xZilley
      Bro why?
      Nov 10, 2016
    3. xZilley
      Oh yeah crap I did that math badly lol wasnt thinking ur not turning 16 xD
      Nov 10, 2016
    4. Jhow
      Lmao, can't afford much man
      Nov 10, 2016
    5. Jhow
      Still I don't really care what I get anymore It's just good to be around family :p
      Nov 10, 2016
    6. xZilley
      Oh :( sorry man my parents always tell me I don't know how fortunate I am and I don't tbh. But how is that I can't believe america man what goes through their heads
      Nov 10, 2016
    7. xZilley
      Yeah true tho I love being around my family. Especially at Christmas ( I know santa isn't real ) it's just a feel good time of the year
      Nov 10, 2016
    8. xZilley
      My friend is 13 and generally believes santa is real tho xD I think he might be autistic he has anger issues and doesn't shut up about sonic. ALLL DAY LONG I KNOW EVERYTHING WBOUT SONIC NOW IT GIVES ME A BLOODY HEADACHE xD
      Nov 10, 2016
    9. Jhow
      santa is real
      Nov 10, 2016
    10. xZilley
      Hahahaahahahahaha funny joke, funny joke
      Nov 10, 2016
    11. xZilley
      Gimme proof
      That's going as a new signature btw
      Nov 10, 2016
    12. Jhow
      I once saw him on my roof.
      Nov 10, 2016
    13. xZilley
      I gtg see u tomoz, ur my fave mod <3 support since the beginning, I'm pretty sure I supported u in ur first app
      Nov 10, 2016
    14. Jhow
      Cya man :) aww thanks bro.
      Nov 10, 2016
    15. xZilley
      Lol u saw him on ur roof sure lol bs xD
      Nov 10, 2016
    16. xZilley
      Mums getting angry now gtg luv u <3 no homo xD
      Nov 10, 2016
    17. Benko
      Santa is real, i gave birth to him
      Nov 10, 2016
      Jhow likes this.