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  • Comments on Profile Post by Andrewswj

    1. Vaxix
      Funny story, Was in Houston playing parking lot football at nigh as a child. Football rolled under some stairs. Next thing I knew, my arm was on fire. First time I was ever bit by fire ants and also the most I have ever been bit. Fun times. Arm itched for ~2 weeks. Good luck my friend.
      Nov 9, 2016
    2. Andrewswj
      yeah... :P Feels a bit like burning but I guess that's why they are called fire ants.
      Nov 9, 2016
    3. Jhow
      I eat fire ants for break fast
      Nov 9, 2016
    4. Rakion
      In Philippines, we bite ants.
      Nov 10, 2016