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  • Comments on Profile Post by whatupRJ

    1. Legalized
      I don't really play mineverse that much but I'm banned on kitpvp for telling hacker death wishes
      Nov 8, 2016
    2. whatupRJ
      i got banned for that too xD how long ago was that? and when will u be unbanned? We need good pvpers on kitpvp2 so when ur unbanned ill hit you up with p4 and a s5 and stuff so you can get started. This is just an offer so you can deny if you want.
      Nov 8, 2016
    3. Legalized
      It's all good I got 60k but it was like 3-4 days ago
      Nov 8, 2016
    4. whatupRJ
      I see i see well if you ever want to play kitpvp feel free to come over sometimes and pvp.
      Nov 8, 2016