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  • Comments on Profile Post by Jhow

    1. Jhow
      Games on them and my old laptop is taking longer than I hoped to be fixed. I'm really sorry about my inactivity with certain things as they have blocked downloading things and are taking laptops with things that aren't school related so I can't have my recording software's, minecraft and such.
      Nov 6, 2016
    2. Jhow
      When I finally do get my old laptop fixed I will try my hardest to make up the days I missed. I'm doing everything I can to get my old laptop fixed, and once again I apologise.
      Nov 6, 2016
    3. elrak
      Nov 6, 2016
    4. Jhow
      Nov 6, 2016
    5. Andrewswj
      It is ok Jhow, we understand. Since I'm off school rn, I'll try to cover up more time, but I dont think I can go 6 hours per day xD Too stressful... Anyway, just take it easy!
      Nov 6, 2016
    6. BabyJr
      @Cooper Cowley, it's about helping the server get the hackers of, not about the money
      Nov 6, 2016
    7. xZilley
      I understand, but 6 hour shift u need to get paid for that cyps getting thousands and keeping every cent to himself
      Nov 6, 2016
    8. BabyJr
      True, but maybe he's not aloud to give it, he is a kid.
      Nov 6, 2016
    9. sircorgi
      @xZilley it's way too much effort, and a lot of moderators here don't even want to get involved with that due to them not even having something to have money received from.

      It's not a full-fledged job, it's something you volunteer for. @BlueJr last time I checked, Cyp was 20 years old, not really a kid.
      So really, the effort and time to actually organise payments is too much.
      Nov 7, 2016
    10. Andrewswj
      Agreed @rebornn . Currently, we're ok with not getting paid, and there are still people volunteering to be Moderators. :P

      I mean of course it'd be good if people can understand we're not anti-cheat plugins or robots, and that whatever they say can make a difference. ;)
      Nov 7, 2016
      sircorgi likes this.
    11. sircorgi
      tru ;p
      Nov 7, 2016