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  • Comments on Profile Post by Random

    1. ImJustAndrew
      im getting my name changed rn
      Nov 3, 2016
    2. Random
      Long time no see. How have you been?
      Nov 3, 2016
      ImJustAndrew likes this.
    3. ImJustAndrew
      To be honest, I've been okay. I play minecraft from time-to-time I haven't been active on a server in like two months. I only play when friends want me to. I'm currently staff on a plug.dj for a server but not the server itsself. I might come back to minecraft idk >.< I miss my ol' friends. How've you been?
      Nov 3, 2016
    4. Random
      Pretty good. Had a pretty bad day lol but it'll be okay :)
      Nov 3, 2016