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  • Comments on Profile Post by Squire

    1. Titanicguy
      Is the server still that unbalanced, where you need to have the best items to genuinely have fun...?
      Nov 3, 2016
    2. bare
      not enough moderators ?? boi?????
      Nov 3, 2016
    3. Legalized
      True moderators are never in game only on forums, they log on for 2 minutes to reset their timer on /staff, the point of being moderator is to be active in game too
      Nov 3, 2016
    4. Squire
      Let me rephrase- Too many hackers, not enough active moderators.
      It's almost pointless to hire a ton of mods if they're all just going to be inactive. Now I understand that moderators have lives too (School, work, family and friends, etc), so I shouldn't be too insensitive about it. But they sign up for this job to moderate both forums AND ingame.
      Nov 3, 2016
      bare and Legalized like this.
    5. Legalized
      Yep I agree everything else is excuses and more reasons that they shouldn't have the position, I find it funny how no staff member is ever demoted for inactivity(in game) because no Admin+ is active to witness it.
      Nov 3, 2016
      Squire likes this.
    6. Syndicade
      Yep, which is why we should stop playing Minecraft and play good games, like Skyrim. ;)
      Nov 16, 2016