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  • Comments on Profile Post by Jhow

    1. Jhow
      old laptop fixed
      Oct 30, 2016
    2. Kyaaaal
      You should have made them impossible to find. Place games into a WinRaR file and then change that file into a jpg/png file. Only way to access your games is by opening an image using WinRaR. Nobody would ever think to do that.
      Oct 30, 2016
    3. Jhow
      I should be getting it fixed today ::D
      Oct 30, 2016
    4. Bananurz
      That's illegal to take ur shiz like that, if it's ur computer. Also my school tried to tell a kid he couldn't take his car home and it had to stay there, lol.
      Nov 2, 2016
    5. Jhow
      Like you rent the laptop from the school, it's annoying.
      Nov 3, 2016