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  • Comments on Profile Post by Bantz

    1. bare
      well obviously
      Oct 28, 2016
    2. Bantz
      what do you mean "well obviously". I don't know any server which bans for having an inappropriate skin.
      Oct 28, 2016
    3. Vaxix
      You do realize that there are children <10 that play this game correct? We do not have to have the same standards as other servers.
      Oct 28, 2016
    4. ScoFu13
      It's always been that way. I banned plenty for having naked skins and they refused to change it. Your comparisons to other servers are useless, this isn't those servers, Mineverse can do its own thing.
      Oct 28, 2016
      Vaxix likes this.
    5. Bantz
      nah i just think its so stupid how you guys ban for skins. You're getting to a point where the staff team is thirsty for bans and banning for skins is just so retarded
      Oct 28, 2016
    6. Vaxix
      Not if they refuse to change it.
      Oct 28, 2016
    7. Bantz
      patrick you dont understand the mineverse community
      Oct 28, 2016
    8. Vaxix
      Ok xD
      I had to ban some people back in my day for this same issue...
      Oct 28, 2016
    9. ScoFu13
      It's not a thirst for bans, the new rules are going to help finally clean up this server from the wild west it used to be and make it a more enjoyable place for people who want to play and have fun and not have their time ruined by hackers, cheaters and bad people.
      Oct 28, 2016
      StrKillr likes this.
    10. Dyna_Mighty
      This isn't a new rule....its been here for as long as I've been a mod. I'm sure its been longer.
      Oct 28, 2016
      ferras, Vaxix and ScoFu13 like this.
    11. ScoFu13
      Yup @Dyna_Mighty like I said, I banned for it back in the day.
      Oct 28, 2016
    12. Legalized
      Tbh I think this server reminds me of the little baby proof knob you put on the door knob, if you catch what im trying to say
      Oct 28, 2016
    13. ScoFu13
      Rules are in place for a reason. But no alex, lets let everyone do whatever they want I'm sure that will make for a wonderful and non toxic gaming environment.
      Oct 28, 2016
      Vaxix likes this.
    14. Legalized
      Maybe a better anti cheat will make the server less toxic lol, I think skins should be the less of our concerns
      Oct 28, 2016
    15. Ares_Xena
      Mineverse is apparantly a ''child friendly'' server nowadays. Actually it has been for over a year? Mineplex / Hypixel are different from Mineverse. Their own set of rules has no value here. To a child friendly server, people with nude skins, ISIS promoting skins, or anything of that sort is deemed inappropraite. It's silly, sure. . If you want to change this rule, create a suggestion.
      Oct 28, 2016
      ScoFu13, Vaxix and bare like this.
    16. StrKillr
      Do you think that MineVerse is the same as other servers? how silly. The question that I have in mind is, why do you want an "inappropriate skin" as you say? you are just accepting that the skin is inappropriate.
      Long story short, it is how it is, we don't need more drama on MineVerse
      Oct 29, 2016
    17. Legalized
      You guys are blind you just keep killing the server slowly cause you want ur 5 year old nephews to play it
      Oct 29, 2016
    18. Ares_Xena
      Don't like it? Play on a different server.
      Oct 29, 2016
    19. Legalized
      I already do :) I just like forums on here
      Oct 29, 2016
    20. Legalized
      If you want to make more money then you have to target the older community cause these 7-11 year olds don't have jack lol but at the end of the day it's cyps choice so oh well
      Oct 29, 2016
    21. Bantz
      you literally think that over 50% of the community is younger than 9 years old. i never said this was a new rule and honestly it is such an autistic rule and i've never seen anything like it
      Oct 29, 2016
      Legalized likes this.
    22. bare
      then leeaaaveee
      Oct 29, 2016
    23. Bantz
      I don't even play mineverse because the server is dead and there is nothing to look forward to. I just come on the forums everyday to see whats going on
      Oct 29, 2016
    24. Legalized
      Same bantz lol I just see it fall and fall everyday cause no big changes happen
      Oct 29, 2016
      Bantz likes this.
    25. Syndicade
      welp guess I gotta delete my allah skin
      Oct 29, 2016
      Legalized likes this.