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  • Comments on Profile Post by Random

    1. ferras
      I feel you, what'd they say?
      Oct 28, 2016
    2. Random
      Well part of it I had to make a corporation heiarchy and I put someone, who did a crap ton of work, as head of build and then this guy comes and complains and is like omg no I was head of build when honestly he barely did anything. So now I have to go out of my way to change a bunch of crap because he threw a fit.
      Oct 28, 2016
    3. Random
      Like maybe if he would have said something before but noooo just leave everything to me to do then blame me when it isn't perfect. It isn't like we have a whole robotics team or anything.
      Oct 28, 2016
    4. ferras
      If I was him, I would've went with what you said. When was the project do?
      Oct 28, 2016
    5. Vaxix
      When I was in college, i hated group projects... There was always those 1 or 2 people that would not do a thing. I did not hesitate letting the professor know... they ended up with an F.
      Oct 28, 2016
    6. Random
      Well it is a robotics team, our competition is tomorrow. That is why I have been so inactive. All of my free time is being spent working on this. It just angers me because he was not willing to help me, yet when it comes to something he wants then he must make me change everything to get it. It angers me.
      Oct 28, 2016
      Vaxix likes this.
    7. Vaxix
      that is awesome. What are you making?
      Oct 28, 2016
    8. Random
      Well we make a robot to compete in the competition, but on top of that we pretty much create a company. We have to write an engineering notebook talking about the process and whatnot, a marketing presentation and try to 'sell' our robot, etc.
      Oct 28, 2016
    9. Vaxix
      Can we get picks of what you did when its finished =)
      Oct 28, 2016