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  • Comments on Profile Post by PinkDankPenquin

    1. Kyaaaal
      There's more to moderating than just getting rule-breakers banned.

      If that was the case, there'd be no reason to even apply.
      Oct 24, 2016
    2. PinkDankPenquin
      Mate ik i have actually been an owner before then fricking microsoft screwed me over with the "Not Allowed To Give Advantages So No Pay 2 Win Eula crap"
      Oct 24, 2016
    3. Herf
      Ok with 8 message so you're going places
      Oct 24, 2016
    4. Kyaaaal
      Also, you've done maximum of 8 reports. I mean, that's not bad for your first day. But, you'll need to prove you can continue with it.
      Oct 24, 2016
    5. PinkDankPenquin
      :P Is all i have to say and i cri idk y but i do
      Oct 24, 2016
    6. PinkDankPenquin
      Thing is the two-factor thing doesn't work for me idk y im running windows 10 but it wont work 4 me so i def cant get it :P
      Oct 24, 2016
    7. BabyJr
      I would wait until you get well known, and wait until 6 months becaude half of our moderators were on the forums for at least 6 months, or more.
      Oct 24, 2016
    8. Kyaaaal
      Unless you follow Janice, took her just over a month on forums to get mod. Though, they done well by promoting her. She's nearly been a mod for a year now.
      Oct 24, 2016