Cheap and reliable
You just want attention
Seeking since 1999
You're old
Not even 17 yet :P
Three days my friend(;
Dude, you shouldn't remember
I only said it like once :P Triggered enjoys spam
It's also on your profile which I didn't stalk at all *cough* but that's okay I stalk tigger daily
Ohhh, I totally thought I removed it from here, rip. Oh well, more notifications for me.
HAHAHAH you missed my birthday:(
Next year!!
You'll forget about me by then Lololololol
Depends how lame you become
I'm already lame, and wowow at least Brett wouldn't drop me because I'm lame :(
I can't watch that while in class...
"Don't You (Forget About Me)" We'll see how things go.
Wow 102 alerts thanks guys
np bb
Comments on Profile Post by Kyra