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  • Comments on Profile Post by Andrewswj

    1. WhyteDuck
      I'll win the war.
      Oct 21, 2016
      FearTheKlowns likes this.
    2. Andrewswj
      Pretty sure Syn is winning anyway. Look at the number of reports... //envies timezones and number of hackers you can find (excuses excuses)
      Oct 21, 2016
    3. Kyaaaal
      Time-zone and the fact I sleep at 4am when I don't have school/work the next morning definitely does help with it.
      Oct 21, 2016
      WhyteDuck likes this.
    4. Andrewswj
      Unfortunately I can't afford to give the sleep away, I have to sleep at around 11-12, since I have school early in the morning till evening usually.
      Oct 21, 2016
    5. Kyaaaal
      That's good though. :P
      Oct 21, 2016