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  • Comments on Profile Post by dankness

    1. Alana
      Hai ^.^
      Oct 18, 2016
    2. dankness
      Why can't I like your comment
      Oct 18, 2016
    3. Alana
      I'm not completely sure, but I think it's because you are new to the forum and forums staff don't want you to rate abuse. Once you get over 50 messages it should be fine.
      Oct 18, 2016
    4. dankness
      I'll never get over 50 messages
      Oct 18, 2016
    5. Alana
      It's not that hard, just post on people's forum posts, but DO NOT double post! And make sure to use the "reply" button when talking to one person.
      Oct 18, 2016
    6. dankness
      Why no double posting????1? What if I forget something. This is ridiculous damn.
      Oct 18, 2016
    7. dankness
      Why do I have to wait again for a moderator approval?? It worked before, without that thing. It takes ages til my things public because this is kinda slow
      Oct 18, 2016
    8. Alana
      Double posting is when you post multiple times on the same post without pressing the reply button. And, if you forget something, you could easily press "edit" edit it.
      Oct 18, 2016
    9. Alana
      As for the moderator thing, it is only to make sure that you do not double post, or do anything unfair to bring your number of messages up. That will be removed once you get over 50 messages.
      Oct 18, 2016
    10. dankness
      I got one be proud of me
      Oct 18, 2016
    11. Alana
      Btw, you are allowed to post on someone's forum post without pressing the reply button, but you can only do it once, or it would be considered double posting.
      Oct 18, 2016
    12. dankness
      I got that im not stupid thanks. Im just not clear with the rules and im too lazy to read
      Oct 18, 2016
    13. Alana
      Oct 18, 2016