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  • Comments on Profile Post by Linux

    1. Stacker7
      Minecraft sucks on console lol :P
      Oct 8, 2016
      Winnfield likes this.
    2. Winnfield
      Have you previously owned an Xbox One?
      Also, when you get it - let me know your XBL :D You'll be the only person I know here who has an Xbox :DD
      Oct 8, 2016
    3. Linux
      First time owning an Xbox, so I don't know much about them and Xbox Live. Apparently I get Minecraft, 100 and some free skins, and 14 day free Xbox live gold.
      Oct 8, 2016
    4. Winnfield
      Right, sounds ok. Depends on the price.
      You see the Xbox One S is a 4k console, which you don't really need unless you have a TV which displays 4K :/
      Oct 8, 2016
    5. Linux
      I have 1080p :P
      Oct 8, 2016
    6. Winnfield
      May I ask why you bought a 4K console then? Or was it just because of the deals available :D
      Oct 8, 2016
    7. Linux
      It was because of the Minecraft bundle. I might get a 4k screen someday. It was only $300. :P
      Oct 8, 2016
    8. Winnfield
      Oh, ok! You should get GTA V sometime, would be nice to play!
      Oct 9, 2016
    9. Linux
      If GTA VI comes out when I get GTA V I'm gonna be mad
      Oct 9, 2016
      Winnfield likes this.
    10. Winnfield
      It wont. GTA VI wont be out for a long time. : )
      Oct 9, 2016
    11. Linux
      Could the Xbox One S still work on a 1080p screen or does it only do 4k
      Oct 9, 2016