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  • Comments on Profile Post by 427666

    1. StrKillr
      Ask them. hehe
      Oct 1, 2016
    2. 427666
      also change ur character pic something else its creppy af
      Oct 1, 2016
    3. 427666
      dont u dare make it worse
      Oct 1, 2016
    4. StrKillr
      Excuse me? Who are you?
      Oct 1, 2016
    5. 427666
      why is there some much crappy reports someone says kys and u get banned for 774358 septendecillion 989 sexdecillion 458 quindecillion 968 quattuordecillion 954 tredecillion 898 duodecillion 693 undecillion 895 decillion 896 nonillion 898 octillion 958 septillion 496 sextillion 898 quintillion 548 quadrillion 684 trillion 588 billion 968 million 548 thousand 939 years?
      Oct 1, 2016
    6. 427666
      Oct 1, 2016
    7. 427666
      Im 427666
      Oct 1, 2016
    8. StrKillr
      Do not threaten any user of Mineverse. Death, SWAT, hostage, etc threats are looked down upon and will be punished. Phrases such as "kys" will also be punished with seriousness. Making up random acronyms to avoid punishment will not help you.

      In-game: Threats of any kind will result in a 31 day ban from the gamemode.
      Oct 1, 2016