Basically, this entry was pretty much bullying some random guy named Kringest_krabs because he took his name. So he got a lot of hate for this and this one guy named mandrac went up and said this:
“Look kid, just because one of your school mate took your username on whatever website and made you upset doesn’t make him the most hated persone on instagram.
Making pictures of him and bulying him as a retaliation won’t make him a meme.
I just checked kringey_squiddy on google and the first results are pictures you just uploaded on kym
Kringest_krabs even return only 1 result and it’s the same know your meme entry. In other word both of those people are ing nobody. Nobody know you or your squiddy friend. Now if you have some stuff to sort out with your friend go kick him in the nuts or even talk to him but don’t use kym and kym users as tools in your quest for your meaningless revenge.”
That’s right guys, this guy was talking about how this Nathanial guy shouldn’t just go onto memesites to bully other people. So Nathanial went and said this, he said:
“He is a random person who stole my name”
So basically he said that he doesn’t know this guy, he just stole his name. Then mandrac went and said:
“He is a random person who stole my name”
So basically he said that he doesn’t know this guy, he just stole his name. Then mandrac went and said:
“Doesn’t make what i said any less true.”
Then Nathanial replied:
“I do not know this kid, but I changed my username and he took it, so I told my 1500 followers to make memes and report this kid”
And then he said something that got a lot of hate, he said this:
“Don’t you hate him too and his smug face, don’t you want him to die?”
So yeah, he got a lot of hate for this, then this one guy, Hink Hall, said this to Nathaniel:
“Dude I’ve got two words for you. So please take them to heart and rethink your life.”
And it came with this picture telling him to grow up, that’s right guys.
Then, out of nowhere, some guy went up saying that he was kringest_krabs, he said:
“Alright, hello. I’m the ACTUAL Kringester Krabs. I will be making a post to prove it on IG later. So, this kid had stole my name. I asked him to please change it because I don’t like impostors. He refused to do so, and instead, he decided to throw out insults. People made a meme out of him, surely enough.
. I don’t really understand WHY, but he’s made a KnowYourMeme entry of himself to make me look bad. The memes here are so poorly done, anyways. Who the hell uses Microsoft Paint to make memes? I mean, actual memes, not ironic memes. This whole thing was literally just some thing for me and my friends, like “Look at this kid, he’s legit pretending to be me.”
I think it’s bull. Him as this “Nathaniel7300”… his name is Nathaniel, not mine. He’s pretending to be me… again. On yet another platform. How exciting.”
So I don’t know what the hek going on, man. Is Nathaniel the one that owns the name or is it this kringest_krabs guy? I don’t know, guess we’ll have to wait and see. Our next topic for today is about the Know Your Meme spirit week…
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