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  • Comments on Profile Post by AimbotStrafez69

    1. djryan
      Are you triggered?
      Sep 29, 2016
    2. AimbotStrafez69
      no lol grow up
      Sep 29, 2016
    3. djryan
      Says the mans going on a mods profile and complaining about an illegal mod
      Sep 29, 2016
    4. AimbotStrafez69
      proof that i recorded it?
      Sep 29, 2016
    5. djryan
      It's on your reports. You know those links for gyazos? :P. You can't just try and play the 'proof it was me' game lol.
      Sep 29, 2016
    6. AimbotStrafez69
      nothing is wrong with laby. ok
      Sep 29, 2016
    7. djryan
      In the rules. Readem sometime.
      Sep 29, 2016
    8. AimbotStrafez69
      there is nothing wrong with labymod. its basically 5zig and optifine combined, with 1.7 effects. there is no "macros" in it. im sorry that mineverse mods dont know what hacks are.
      Sep 29, 2016
    9. Dyna_Mighty
      Labymod is on the list of bannable mods, so yes, you will be banned for using it. If you report something with labymod on it, you will be the one getting banned for it. You saying proof that I recorded is not something we will even remotely consider. If you report it, you are responsible for the content.
      Sep 29, 2016
    10. AngeloLagusa
      Lol I was the one who reported you on OP PvP for using it. lol
      Sep 29, 2016
    11. Linux
      If you want to create a staff report against me, by all means. Just don't go posting it on my profile.
      Sep 29, 2016