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  • Comments on Profile Post by Jawed

    1. Dyna_Mighty
      Do you have a suggestion as to which one? Because we recently installed one of the best ones that's out right now. Hacks are ever changing to get around the anti-cheats. For every invention there is a circumvention.
      Sep 27, 2016
    2. Benko
      You know it's not easy to get an anti cheat right? You know they don't always work well? Especially for 1.8 . Like dyna said clients change to bypass these. Cyp patched b hopping so that's good enough for now if you ask me.
      Sep 27, 2016
    3. Jawed
      One of the best? Ancient nocheatplus? Please tell me you're joking. You guys HAVE developers. And I'm sure they know how to make an anticheat it's not that hard.
      Sep 27, 2016
    4. Jawed
      Oh and Ben, clients haven't been made to "get around it" all the aura does is look at the player and attack. Bhop = base move speed with strafes. It's not hard to patch any of these
      Sep 27, 2016
    5. Benko
      Ok make one yourself, also mv has more than nocheatplus.
      Sep 27, 2016
    6. Jawed
      I already have funny you say that. Also, no they really don't, they limited the amount of packets you can send fast which does nothing :) btw I can fly after your "upgrade" to the anticheat.
      Sep 27, 2016
    7. Dyna_Mighty
      You know what, I'm done here. Looking at your recent posts, you don't really care to see change, you just want to complain about things. It didn't matter how any of us responded, you don't care for what happens around here. My first words were "do you have a suggestion about it?" Instead of having a conversation about it, you chose to be salty and insulting to MV.
      Sep 27, 2016
      PiLe likes this.
    8. Jawed
      Was i not implying for you guys to have your developers make an anticheat? Who wouldn't be salty if the server has probably one of the worst anticheats and it seems you guys don't even try to do anything about it. First off none of your moderators are ever on the server. And whenever they are asked to help ban a hacker on one of the servers they ban them, they leave and they just join back on an alt.
      Sep 27, 2016
    9. Benko
      Don't like how things are, leave
      Sep 27, 2016
    10. Jawed
      Funny I try to actually help the server by telling you how to fix your hacking problem and get told to leave. I actually at one point offered my anticheat but the server doesn't use 1.7.10 spigot (which supports 1.8 btw so you guys should use it) I like the server because it has infection that's actually ALIVE. But you guys don't care about hackers at all
      Sep 27, 2016
    11. Jawed
      Not to mention you tell me I don't want to see change when I supported all the threads to prevent hackers. Everyone else no supported them like hell, even the one suggesting to make an anticheat. Doesn't make any sense to me.
      Sep 27, 2016
    12. Benko
      Stop crying lmao
      Sep 27, 2016