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  • Comments on Profile Post by _Rlxtreme_

    1. Andrewswj
      Raxs' chests were locked by a TRIGGERED member... Still is. That's why it was removed.
      Sep 23, 2016
    2. _Rlxtreme_
      Yeah and a lot of our chests that were public were removed as well. Our town as a whole was not responsible for this, but it was a single member that betrayed us. Whoever did it will pay dearly for what they did.
      Sep 23, 2016
    3. Andrewswj
      Thank you. His name is Apple_Pie_Slayer.
      Sep 23, 2016
    4. _Rlxtreme_
      oh...right...i've heard that he locked the chests in our town. didn't know he did that much...i'll have to have a "peaceful" "conversation" between him and my attack button multiple times.
      Sep 23, 2016
    5. Benko
      I can still /lock ex de
      Sep 23, 2016