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  • Comments on Profile Post by jezz

    1. follow me
      follow me
      honestly i dont even know why "you have been banned for the following reasons: rules violations" ??? what rule violations?? @nd Pile pms me sending me a link of my profile. how helpful. now i totally know what i did ;/
      Sep 23, 2016
    2. jezz
      What the heck
      Sep 23, 2016
    3. Queen
      Same thing happened to me when I got banned for the FIRST TIME! @Smiley never wanted to tell me why so therefore I never talk to him for giving me a false ban
      Sep 23, 2016
    4. Smiley
      It sends an automatic message to where it happened, not what happened.
      Sep 23, 2016
    5. Queen
      well we can't correct our doings without knowing what we did, correct?
      Sep 23, 2016
    6. follow me
      follow me
      true dat. well said well said *applause*
      Sep 23, 2016
      Queen likes this.
    7. Smiley
      You can, just ask what you did.
      Sep 24, 2016
    8. jezz
      The whole point is that she doesnt knkw what she did :( anyways, I was just wondering
      Sep 24, 2016
    9. Queen
      Sep 24, 2016
      follow me likes this.