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  • Comments on Profile Post by Horseman

    1. Crazytaco
      Never click links that you don't know what they are going to do!
      Sep 13, 2016
    2. Horseman
      Seriously. Now how would I know that. Why isn't this crap blocked or severe punishment for those that do it?
      Sep 13, 2016
    3. Crazytaco
      It warns you before you click a link.....
      Sep 13, 2016
    4. Titanicguy
      Why did you ignore the warning?
      Sep 13, 2016
    5. Horseman
      I don't remember any warining. The point still is not that I clicked it the link the point is this person used an link in a book, which is not allowed, to steal my propperty and noone seems to want to rectify the situation.
      Sep 13, 2016
    6. Titanicguy
      Did you contact a moderator here?
      Sep 13, 2016
    7. Crazytaco
      Sep 13, 2016
      Winnfield likes this.
    8. Winnfield
      It was at your risk to click a dodgy link. Please don't bash us - as we do our jobs just fine. Minecraft itself gives you a warning before you click any links. I (personally) always do research or use anti-malware to check these links before opening them if I must.
      Sep 13, 2016
    9. Horseman
      Yes I contacted Kinsey-kid. He saw him putting signs on all my chests and told me nothing he can do.
      Sep 13, 2016
    10. Horseman
      Elliot - There was no warning. I just looked at it again. Why is it so hard for someone to make this right? I have the book with his name on it and the mod saw him claiming all my stuff. Not rocket science.
      Sep 13, 2016
    11. Stacker7
      Hope you get things settled out. Good luck
      Sep 13, 2016
    12. Horseman
      Crazytaco453 I should not need to make a new report at the given web site. I should be able to get this resolved when it is happening. I really don't iunderstand the problem here.
      Sep 13, 2016
    13. Titanicguy
      How this site works is that you report a problem in the reports thread and post it so more moderators can see.
      Sep 13, 2016
      Winnfield likes this.
    14. Crazytaco
      As stated above :)
      Sep 13, 2016
    15. Horseman
      Titanicguy. I had a mod come to the scene of the crime and gave him the evidence and he did nothing. Why would I go to the forums after that? Also he wittnessed the person putting signs on my chests.
      Sep 13, 2016
    16. Titanicguy
      Asking one person for the answer and not many, which may have the answer is pretty dumb tbh.
      Sep 13, 2016
    17. Crazytaco
      In situations like this you should make a report. This will allow all staff to see the situation and they can decide what to do if there is anything to do.
      Sep 13, 2016
    18. Horseman
      Titanicguy - He gave me an answer and I disagreed, thats why I'm here. My biggest concern was not having all my stuff sold. I amon the forums now because his lack of action has forced me here.
      Sep 13, 2016
    19. Crazytaco
      The proper way to do this is making by a report :)
      Sep 13, 2016
    20. Horseman
      Crazytaco453 Too little too late. I will file a complaint but all the time I spent here I have watched my stuff being sold off.
      Sep 13, 2016
    21. Titanicguy
      But others might have the answer and you won't consult them about it.
      Sep 13, 2016
    22. Crazytaco
      If you made a report something could have been done. That's your loss sorry. Hope you have a better rest for your day/night.
      Sep 13, 2016
    23. Horseman
      So the mods are basically useless. Thanks for your input. I will file a report but I suspect it will be as big a waste of time as these posts have been in getting this issue corrected.
      Sep 13, 2016
    24. Crazytaco
      This does not mean mods are "useless" . Don't throw your anger at other people who are trying to help you out. Be friendly and nice to others.
      Sep 13, 2016
      Winnfield likes this.
    25. Horseman
      I have helped everyone I meet on survival. I am angry because I gave a mod proof of what happened while it was happening and he did nothing. He didn't even tell me to report it. He came to survival and said oh well. Not really a good sign for anyone.
      Sep 13, 2016
    26. Winnfield
      Ok - I know you're mad, but, that does not mean you can start calling us useless. Why would we risk the safety of our accounts, I totally agree with Kinsey - he shouldn't have opened the book.

      There is nothing moderators or Sr. Mods can do. You can contact the support email; [email protected] or you can get in touch with either of the Head-Moderators who have more permissions.
      Sep 14, 2016
      Crazytaco likes this.
    27. theproman100
      just ask for a refund that may help ask the support gmail for your money back
      Sep 14, 2016
    28. Horseman
      Elliot My anger stemmed from the lack of action. I was told the mods can fix thing that are wrong like this, on the spot. I have seen some mods stop really bad ppl from doing things like this in the past. I am not saying Mods are useless I just feel that if they are trusted enough to be Mods then they should be trusted enough to have authority and permissions to help ppl before all the hard work is lost.
      Sep 14, 2016
    29. Valor
      Sep 14, 2016
    30. Titanicguy
      You are complaining about lack of action, but you ignored the warning and you never made a report or made a thread in the help section to help the problem get rectified. You are just here bashing the mods :/
      Sep 14, 2016
    31. Horseman
      I am not bashing mods and I tested again and there is NO WARNING. I have seen the mods fix alot of things and was told that is what you do. The mod who came to help never told me to post a report. I hve posted a report because of this thread and am awaiting action.
      Sep 14, 2016
    32. Valor
      You aren't bashing on the mods, yet you asked Cyp to get mods that do their jobs. Sounds pretty hateful.
      Sep 14, 2016
    33. Horseman
      I asked Cyp to give the mods authority and permission to correct things like this when they happen to avoid a total loss of assets.
      Sep 14, 2016
    34. sircorgi
      @Horseman is it honestly that hard, to get some simple thing through your mind?

      We have said over and over, and OVER again. YOU SHOULDN'T HAVE OPENED THE BOOK. If you really cared about your loot, you should've been aware of the consequences, but nah let's open it because it must just be a normal book.
      Sep 16, 2016
      Crazytaco likes this.
    35. sircorgi
      Your fault mate, not the mods. They can somehow track down the book maker and ban them, but don't go around being a jerk to them because you lost some loot on a gamemode. Complain all you want, but nothing will happen. Moderators can't bring your items back now, can they?

      Your fault, your loss.
      Sep 16, 2016
      Crazytaco likes this.
    36. Horseman
      Sounds like someone is a little sensitive about being called out for not moderating. I admitted it was stupid to open a book but insulting me does change the fact that the player is not banned. BTW it has been reported for over 3 days now without a single response. Is there something I need to do to get this resolved or do I just get to keep coming back to this forum to see what I did wrong?
      Sep 16, 2016
    37. Winnfield
      Ok - this arguing has to stop. Take your arguing outside of Mineverse please.
      Sep 17, 2016
    38. sircorgi
      @Elliot it's MV related though, he does need to take it to a PM though, with the staff.
      Sep 18, 2016
    39. Winnfield
      Exactly. You shouldn't be arguing on a public profile post.
      Sep 18, 2016
    40. Crazytaco
      Sep 18, 2016
    41. Horseman
      My appologies. I was unaware that this was not the place. Can we consider this matter closed?
      Sep 19, 2016
    42. sircorgi
      If you wish to consider it that way, then yes, it is.

      Next time, take these to the staff, that way people don't constantly get alerts if they reply to it.
      Sep 19, 2016
    43. Horseman
      I will thanks for the information.
      Sep 19, 2016
    44. Benko
      Actually the link can be legit, it also gives no warning. Been used on me before. The wurst client has the exploit for the book js
      Sep 19, 2016