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  • Comments on Profile Post by DuckieDanger

    1. sircorgi
      Keep it to yourself, and don't act like a jerk.

      Sep 9, 2016
    2. DuckieDanger
      but being a jerk is so much fun when its for people that are jerks too :P
      Sep 9, 2016
    3. sircorgi
      @TheNiceSnake is a lot better than what you're acting right now.
      I suggest thinking twice before posting petty comments like yours.
      Sep 9, 2016
      DuckieDanger likes this.
    4. DuckieDanger
      lol and you should not talk if you don't know the full story :P kk now leave XD
      Sep 9, 2016
    5. sircorgi
      I don't need to know the full story, and especially not from you. People who tell stories against others are normally exaggerated or lied, so people get on the the persons side.
      Sep 9, 2016
    6. DuckieDanger
      ok that's you but other people say diff like you can be lieing now XD its the on line web get use to thinking people lie its life so stop bugging me your just being annoying :P
      Sep 9, 2016
    7. sircorgi
      I can't really respond to that because it made no sense, but I can tell that you are ignorant when it comes to these matters.

      I will end on this, though. Don't bash on staff, the only thing that will happen is hurt feelings and a punishment given to you.
      Sep 9, 2016
      FearTheKlowns and Queen like this.