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  • Comments on Profile Post by ChloyyBear

    1. UncleUrnesto
      How can we when we lost 5 great staff members.
      Jul 28, 2014
    2. ChloyyBear
      We did lose some amazing mods, but we can recover! :D Just believe.
      Jul 28, 2014
    3. UncleUrnesto
      I really can't, most of them have helped me came where I am now. Pile introduced me to Mineverse #Can't
      Jul 28, 2014
    4. ChloyyBear
      Either we can come together and get enough support to get them back, or we can come together, become stronger, and keep the server from falling apart by losing so many great people, such as yourself.
      Jul 28, 2014
    5. ChloyyBear
      I'm in for both!
      Jul 28, 2014