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  • Comments on Profile Post by Griff

    1. Stacker7
      omg ikr!
      Sep 7, 2016
    2. Scorv
      Well he doesn't post much, or follows threads. And he doesn't post on profiles or comments. I'm also pretty sure he has tags disabled. I'd think he only gets convos from people, but he probably only looks at the ones from staff and other VIPs of the server.

      So I wouldn't imagine he'd get that many alerts.
      Sep 8, 2016
    3. sircorgi
      he'd get alerts from profile posts, pm's, and sometimes people quoting his messages and rating them.

      Not as much as @Pile would get though, I'd reckon.
      Sep 8, 2016
      Ertuiop likes this.
    4. Griff
      Yeah probably
      Sep 8, 2016