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  • Comments on Profile Post by jezz

    1. Griff
      Haha :p
      Sep 1, 2016
    2. baile y
      baile y
      sorry ive been busy w school and my parents took my comp and phone away so im stuck with this laggy kindle.
      Sep 1, 2016
    3. Griff
      Lmao I know how that feels
      Sep 1, 2016
    4. baile y
      baile y
      haleluja im not alone
      Sep 1, 2016
      Griff likes this.
    5. Griff
      You will never be alone :)
      Sep 1, 2016
    6. baile y
      Sep 1, 2016
    7. jezz
      I have a dead kindle paperwhite
      Sep 4, 2016
    8. baile y
      baile y
      rip same
      Sep 6, 2016
    9. Griff
      I have a nook and my mum has a kindle
      Sep 6, 2016