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  • Comments on Profile Post by djryan

    1. djryan
      And then you cry in the corner because you feel useless.
      Aug 29, 2016
    2. djryan
      And as you reach for the noose Harambe comes down from the heavens and says 'did I die for this?' To which you respond by putting down the noose and crying softly.
      Aug 29, 2016
    3. djryan
      You then go to a counseling group and you talk about your fears to others which improves your lifestyle as now you do not have any regrets
      Aug 29, 2016
    4. djryan
      (Someone continue the story)
      Aug 29, 2016
    5. Random
      dude me
      Aug 29, 2016
    6. Ertuiop
      Then anti-memers skrubs crucify you because you are the leader of the meme religion and your last words were: "my dank lord, why have you forsaken me"
      Rip Holo 420-1337 Ripperoni Never Forghetti
      Sep 3, 2016