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  • Comments on Profile Post by sircorgi

    1. ImJustAndrew
      Clementine(The cat in my picture) was adopted many weeks ago. But I currently am fostering a kitten and his name is Kinjy which I believe is a cute name. I also have 3 dogs one Long-Haired-Chihuahua her name is Patches, then I have a Short-Haired-Chihuahua and he's part wiener dog his name's Ziggy. Then I have a bigger dog named Rosa. We're thinking of adopting Kinjy! If you want pictures contact me :)
      Aug 27, 2016
    2. sircorgi
      yes plz

      I remember when you were leaving MV for a while and told us how you adopted Clementine ;p
      Aug 27, 2016
    3. ImJustAndrew
      ... I don't believe I said that I may have said "we were thinking" but she had eye, ear, sensing, etc. Problems and we don't have the time to adopt a special needs cat with school, my parents work, etc.
      Aug 27, 2016
      sircorgi likes this.
    4. sircorgi
      ye somethin' like that ;p
      Aug 27, 2016
    5. ImJustAndrew
      If I did, I was mistaken.
      I'll get pictures right now :)
      Aug 27, 2016
    6. sircorgi
      ty Andrew <9
      Aug 27, 2016
    7. ImJustAndrew
      Aug 27, 2016
      sircorgi likes this.
    8. sircorgi

      Aug 28, 2016