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  • Comments on Profile Post by Starbucks

    1. Clones5
      My friend made it. They made a speedpaint. Just comment in a video on Failacy's YouTube channel with a link to your namemc, and ask for a speedpaint.
      Aug 20, 2016
    2. Istealyourkill
      What's the channel name?
      Aug 24, 2016
    3. Starbucks
      It's been a week since I commented..
      Aug 25, 2016
    4. Clones5
      Lol prim. I'll ask her directly for you. Nico, I'll tell you if you tell me the texture pack
      Aug 25, 2016
    5. Istealyourkill
      Its called Taco Op bc my ign used to be TacoDog13
      Aug 25, 2016