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  • Comments on Profile Post by Herf

    1. Herf
      guess noone wants free coupons whatevrvr
      Aug 19, 2016
    2. clxrity
      I do but I'm confused please help me herf
      Aug 21, 2016
    3. Herf
      click link, select steam items, find coupons (blue) click as many as you want, once you have selected 2-3 click confirm trade, after that I'll accept it and bam they are your for free
      Aug 21, 2016
    4. clxrity
      the trade offer is gone now right when I figured out how to do it
      Aug 21, 2016
    5. Herf
      Rip for some reason since I got a new phone I can't trade for 7 days whatever
      Aug 21, 2016