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  • Comments on Profile Post by Sando3

    1. Dyna_Mighty
      I just love the pleasant people of the world whose only way of feeling better about themselves is to hide behind a computer screen and put others down.
      Aug 16, 2016
    2. Sando3
      Don't think he did it to put Pile down though. Possibly because his favorite server is down "because of" Mineverse. Just thought I'd tell Pile so she can set him back where he belongs
      Aug 16, 2016
    3. PiLe
      He's perm banned. ;)
      Aug 16, 2016
      Sando3 likes this.
    4. Jhow
      what an idiot
      Aug 16, 2016
      Sando3 likes this.
    5. Lifeless
      Is minetime still down? And since cyp or noobcrew owns it will hacks be disabled when it reopens ?
      Aug 16, 2016
    6. Griff
      What did minetime have to offer?
      Aug 16, 2016
    7. Express555
      Wow, I never saw that thread...
      Aug 16, 2016