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  • Comments on Profile Post by Clones5

    1. Linux
      A website for our Minecraft server that we'll be getting soon. Under development right now. Reborn is the Forum Admin, Mrs. Puff and I are the owners.
      Aug 14, 2016
    2. sircorgi
      If you want to go a bit more broad, I'm the server admin in general.
      Aug 14, 2016
    3. Linux
      Aug 14, 2016
    4. Clones5
      Nice! When you are done with it can you pm me the ip to check it out?
      Aug 14, 2016
    5. sircorgi
      Blueman, if you want PM me, and I can give you the forums link.
      So yeah, rn it's just the forums, and we do have a MC server, but it's not working.
      Aug 14, 2016
    6. yoitsgabbie
      Yes. Pretty much that lol.
      Aug 14, 2016