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  • Comments on Profile Post by 196

    1. MiningCreeper454
      Awesome! My junior oboe was a Howarth, so I know how great they are :) Have a full size Fox, but I still think that Howarths are better- enjoy it!
      Jul 25, 2014
    2. Spice
      Jul 25, 2014
    3. 196
      You're English with an American oboe
      I'm American with an English oboe
      Anyway, I played on my friend's Fox one day, they're quite good. What's yours? Fox 300 perhaps? 450?
      Jul 25, 2014
    4. MiningCreeper454
      Fox 300, but I have a Tipple medium soft reed that doesn't make a that great sound with the Fox- have to use reeds that I'm not great fans with, too hard.
      Interracial oboe time :D
      @MrParkourGuy ily2
      Jul 25, 2014
    5. 196
      I've gotten into making my own reeds, it's a good thing to do since in the long run it's much cheaper and you can make reeds exactly how you like them to sound good on whatever oboe.
      Jul 25, 2014
    6. MiningCreeper454
      Dang, wish I could. Paying £25 (Covert that to dollars :)) for a reed that I don't know will work is just unbearable sometimes...
      Jul 25, 2014
    7. 196
      You can always adjust them if you like them/they play well but they're too thick. Just buy a reed knife, I'd recommend a Rigotti or Landwell double hollow ground, then you can buy books or ask your lesson teacher about how to adjust reeds, you'd probably want to scrape out the back and the tip, and maybe the heart of the ones you were talking about and they should sound and play well and feel comfortable.
      Jul 25, 2014
    8. Spice
      Jul 25, 2014
    9. 196
      I will kill you

      With my reed knife
      Jul 25, 2014
    10. jarroy
      Y SO R00D.
      Jul 27, 2014
    11. MiningCreeper454
      y you gotta be so r00d
      don't you know I'm human t00
      Jul 27, 2014