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  • Comments on Profile Post by Ohmic

    1. SeanDF
      as a frequent reinhardt player, what i hate the most is when my teammates push ahead of the shield.
      Aug 8, 2016
      Ohmic likes this.
    2. SeanDF
      like, guys, i can't run the same speed as you.
      Aug 8, 2016
    3. Ohmic
      My stats say I play Lucio, Zen and D.VA the most. Whenever I pick Zen, the enemy team has a genji and I'm just like "guys pls get this genji off me." Oh, and the best part is that I'm the only healer while we have two tanks and three offense. I don't mind having two tanks(since two of each is basically meta), but three offense???
      Aug 8, 2016
    4. Ohmic
      Also, hate when my team lets the enemy pharah (if they do decide to pick it), freely roam in the air.
      Aug 8, 2016
    5. SeanDF
      Aug 8, 2016