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  • Comments on Profile Post by Ant_Pearl

    1. matt
      what's wrong with it?
      Aug 6, 2016
    2. Ant_Pearl
      spec blocking, hackers only get banned for 3 days, alot of maps have zones where you cant place blocks. I was kinda just joking cuz I didnt expect you to listen to me, but just play a few games of bedwars, you'll see all the hackers and I'm sure someone could explain spec blocking to you. If you care to know more my skype is Ant_Pearl. If you have intentions of fixing stuff I could show you everything lol.
      Aug 6, 2016
    3. Ant_Pearl
      bw5 is hilariously glitch too lol
      Aug 6, 2016
    4. matt
      damn. Unfortunately I haven't got access to the machine or the code to fix it. I believe it was all setup by some other developer that doesn't work here anymore
      Aug 6, 2016
    5. Ant_Pearl
      Aug 7, 2016
      matt likes this.