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  • Comments on Profile Post by D1amondF1nder11

    1. Grayson
      I can tell her, but she most likely won't believe me.
      Jul 24, 2014
    2. D1amondF1nder11
      Yea I don't know why I guess she's trying to get me reported.
      Jul 24, 2014
    3. rjnosidam
      No, that was not why I asked ;-;
      Grayson stfu, I'll believe you xD
      Jul 24, 2014
    4. Ezekiel Zeke
      Ezekiel Zeke
      MadisonJr likes to find other people alts for the fun of it...The children these day....
      Jul 25, 2014
    5. rjnosidam
      Omfg Ezekiel, seriously, you need to get over that..
      Jul 25, 2014
    6. Ezekiel Zeke
      Ezekiel Zeke

      I cant live with myself anymore .
      I gotta stop talkin about it :(
      Jul 25, 2014