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  • Comments on Profile Post by Valor

    1. melgrath
      Haha I am indeed. Finally came up for air from life.
      Aug 1, 2016
    2. Valor
      How've you been?
      Aug 1, 2016
    3. melgrath
      Lol busy busy busy. Got a new house and job, so just took some time to break free and actually check in on things.
      Aug 1, 2016
    4. Valor
      Wow that sounds awesome. I've been doing nothing eventful with my life, so that actually sounds like a lot of fun.
      Aug 1, 2016
    5. melgrath
      It's both fun and stressful. Moving alone was several months of time, plus the new job at the same time made things even crazier. Luckily new job = more money, so finishes house projects faster that way.
      Aug 1, 2016
    6. Valor
      Well I'm glad you've been good, I miss having you on the staff team.
      Aug 1, 2016
    7. melgrath
      I miss playing on MV for sure. Just need things to calm down a touch more and I may actually be able to play a decent amount again.
      Aug 1, 2016
    8. Valor
      Same story here, going into college as soon as summer ends
      Aug 1, 2016
    9. melgrath
      Ah, now THAT is a good time. I actually really miss college.
      Aug 1, 2016
    10. Valor
      So far it's a lot of fun, but also a lot of stress.
      Aug 1, 2016
    11. melgrath
      Yea, just take the time to get into good habits early. Watched way too many freshman fail out from partying too hard and studying too little.
      Aug 1, 2016
    12. Valor
      Good advice, thanks mel :)
      Aug 1, 2016
    13. melgrath
      Alas, was nice catching up, but time to head to bed. Stupid old age and my inability to stay up much past 10PM. Have a good one!
      Aug 1, 2016
    14. Valor
      You too :)
      Aug 1, 2016