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  • Comments on Profile Post by Alisha Jade

    1. Veronica
      cause it's my business, God as my witness, stop what i finished
      Aug 1, 2016
    2. Alisha Jade
      Alisha Jade
      Don't need no hold up, taking control of this kind of moment
      Aug 1, 2016
    3. Espin
      im locked and loaded, completely focused, my mind is openn
      Aug 3, 2016
    4. Alisha Jade
      Alisha Jade
      All that you got, skin to skin, oh my god, don't ya stop, boy
      Aug 3, 2016
    5. Espin
      something bout u makes me feel like a dangerous womann
      Aug 3, 2016
    6. Alisha Jade
      Alisha Jade
      somethin' bout, somethin' bout, somethin bout youuu, makes me wanna do things that I shouldn't
      Aug 3, 2016
    7. Espin
      somethin' bout somethin bout somethin bout
      Aug 3, 2016
    8. Alisha Jade
      Alisha Jade
      Nothing to prove and I'm bulletproof and know what I'm doing
      Aug 3, 2016