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  • Comments on Profile Post by Alisha Jade

    1. Espin
      and no war in anger, was ever won.
      Aug 1, 2016
      Alisha Jade likes this.
    2. Plouuu
      You are a horse, I lied to you, I hope the bullets hit you
      Aug 1, 2016
      Espin likes this.
    3. Alisha Jade
      Alisha Jade
      Put out the fire, before igniting, next time you're fighting.
      Aug 1, 2016
      Espin likes this.
    4. Espin
      I kill em' with kindness.
      Aug 1, 2016
      Alisha Jade likes this.
    5. Alisha Jade
      Alisha Jade
      Kill em', kill em, kill em' with kindness, go ahead, go ahead, go ahead now.
      Aug 1, 2016
    6. Espin
      go head, go head now
      Aug 1, 2016
      Alisha Jade likes this.