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  • Comments on Profile Post by Linux

    1. Miyukii
      mine does too, he's gotten too good at it
      Jul 27, 2016
    2. Linux
      I got up at 6 and he was outside the door, came in looking all proud of himself. There weren't even any windows open.
      Jul 27, 2016
    3. Miyukii
      how do you think he got out?
      my cat will try to slip out the door whenever it's open, he'll even risk getting squished in the door if he thinks he can get out
      Jul 27, 2016
    4. Linux
      We don't know. We think it's a hole in the house somewhere, but can't find it. When he gets out he goes under our house by breaking a plate (raised mobile home) and I have to get him.
      Jul 27, 2016
    5. Miyukii
      that sounds pretty annoying
      I have 3 animals that would all like to go outside if they're given the chance, but the other two aren't as crazy about escaping as my cat is

      the best part is that he usually lets us catch him right away, because he escapes mostly for attention
      Jul 27, 2016
    6. Linux
      Luckily we have dogs next door, and they make him so scared he just lets us pick him up. He was probably out there most if not all night. :/
      Jul 27, 2016
    7. Miyukii
      our neighbors on both sides have dogs but my cats don't really care lol
      Jul 27, 2016