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  • Comments on Profile Post by Surge

    1. Chain
      My amazing art has already started dominating these forums.
      Jul 26, 2016
    2. Surge
      Soon you will be promoted to the secret rank called artist :O well once you take a class or two c:
      Jul 26, 2016
    3. Torch
      Dominating the for... Chain that's cute :D <3
      Jul 26, 2016
    4. amli
      @Chain please please please with a cherry on top make me one? ^-^
      Jul 26, 2016
    5. Chain
      I will Auzzi. And Torch, I know you'll always hold that special spot of having completely DESTROYED the forums with your face.
      Jul 26, 2016
    6. Torch
      Haha thanks <3 don't think it would ever happen again, half of the staff team hates me...
      Jul 26, 2016