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  • Comments on Profile Post by Herf

    1. Pulsa
      Exactly lmfao, apparently "I snapped perfect when i was running" yeah k m8
      Jul 24, 2016
    2. Herf
      -11 fps smh bad mods smh mod abuse smh, just ban evade smh lollllllllllllllllllll
      Jul 24, 2016
    3. Pulsa
      I will lmfao, i dont think this kid understands pot pvp either "Yeah but that snap wasnt legit" When i pot pvp i snap that fast to pot so when i face the guy again im already healed lmfao, & if he didnt have a frame a second he'd see it wasnt perfect, Dumbass twat tbh
      Jul 24, 2016
    4. Herf
      ikr how tf is he gonna talk bout snap nd sht when hes getting 7 fps? i swear man this guy must have the slowest reaction time ever. gl with your unban i swear these mods with potatos for a computer
      Jul 24, 2016
    5. Pulsa
      Thanks, I have 4gb of ram with a 1.5ghz processor, That's a ing awful laptop but i still get 40-60 fps recording lmfao. Tf does he use? his ing phone?
      Jul 24, 2016