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  • Comments on Profile Post by TehCyfer

    1. Chain
      I don't understand how people can simply say "I don't like country.", it's not like they've listened to every country song ever made.
      Jul 23, 2016
    2. clxrity
      There's also many country songs that have more of "pop" type of kick to them. Those are the ones that mainly get exposed to the radio, or those who don't specifically listen to country music. They're missing out on some of the great songs.
      Jul 23, 2016
    3. bare
      i was about to tag @Clxrity to this but realized she already commented
      Jul 23, 2016
    4. TehCyfer
      It's one of the most underrated genres, I want it to be more exposed but then again I don't want random people making country remixes or come and make country songs.
      Jul 24, 2016
    5. trinityy
      You are talking to a girl who loves country
      Jul 24, 2016
    6. TehCyfer
      Cool cool cx
      Jul 24, 2016